God is a source of hope, strength, and comfort, but sometimes it is difficult to open the
human heart to his love. Ancient Israel's King David and other
ministers of the time wrote the book of Psalms
in the Bible. Many of the 150
Psalms include a phrase something like this one, "I
cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was
in distress, I sought the Lord ..." (Psalm 77:1-2). However, the Psalmist goes on for several
verses to express an inability and unwillingness to receive God's comfort. By the end he realizes a greater measure of
God's love, but the path to this revelation was filled with darkeness,
distress, and disappointment. Do you think your refusal to receive God's love has
made for some miserable days in your life?
I know mine has.
God's power, might, rule and reign are also spoken of frequently in the
Psalms. Throughout the Bible his
standards are revealed. In relating to
God, consideration must be given to our behavior and choosing actions that align
with his purposes. These topics are
important to address at another time, but for this discussion, I believe the
attitudes and motivations of the heart are to be examined. Discovering what is on God's heart and
yielding our hearts to His, will change the world. Love is on God's heart.
Love is the chief motivation.
God is love (1 John 4:16).
Love is all the things described in the "love chapter" of the
Bible (1 Corinthians 13). Our loving
Father God, loves on his beloved (you and I). When God's love flows through the
heart of a person, it changes lives. It
causes growth in the life of the lover, and it enriches the life of the loved.
God's heart is bigger than you could ever imagine it to be. He has wonderful
rooms (realms, places) prepared for His children to dwell. The Bible speaks of Jesus as His firstborn
Son among many to follow. A disciple of
Christ is welcomed into the family of God as a "son" (including both
male & female gender). God's sons
(and daughters) are adopted into an inheritance of provision, safety, and
identity unmatched by anything a human being could discover or develop on his
own. This place in Father's heart was
provided for by what Jesus did through his crucifixion and resurrection. Before Jesus went through this, he described
to his closest followers what was about to happen. They found it hard to believe it would happen this way, so Jesus
was comforting them in their grief when he said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You
believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if
that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a
place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back
and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way
to the place where I am going” (John 14:1-4). The disciples were still confused about how and where Jesus was
going so he clarified, " “I am the way and the truth and
the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my
Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him” (John
14:6-7). Jesus is the way to
experience the limitless, unfailing, unconditionally accepting, matchless,
amazing, wonderful, ... love of
Father God. Jesus, speaking of himself
as the way, truth, and life physically demonstrates God's love as directive,
truthful, and life-giving. Father God
has provided for his children the way to experience life on earth to its
fullest. You don't have to wait for
heaven. You can enjoy his presence
now. Jesus made the way to know Father
now. You can experience Father's love
the way He intends for it to be experienced.
God is
all about heart connection. Remember the ancient proverb, "You can lead a
horse to water, but you can't make him drink." God gave us a mind to direct us to the well, but drinking water
from His well involves engaging our heart to quench our thirst. Knowing about His love doesn't have
the impact of knowing His love..
Knowing Father's embrace changes your life - gives you identity, security, and protection to confidently face
any obstacle. A number of childhood
experiences remind me of this. For
example, as a child when my father picked me up and carried me across a stream
on the hiking trail, or put his arms around me when sensing I was fearful of an
intimidating pet dog or bull in the pasture, my response was relief and
calm. Perhaps I could have stumbled
across the creek, but wet shoes and a miserable rest of the journey was avoided
by stronger legs and arms than mine.
Maybe the bull would have wondered away on his own, but my father's
presence created an authority hedge the bull was used to submitting to. The bull knew my dad very well. The bull had to respect my small size
because my dad and I were in the pasture together. My identity was one with my father's in his presence. Do you know Father God as your
"dad"? You can. Jesus made it possible to know Father God as
your personal dad. You can feel his
security. You can be confident in the identity
he has given you. You can rest in
knowing that whatever you have in terms of resources will be enough, because he
is your provider. These are the kinds
of "rooms" Jesus is referring to in John 14 above. You can have places (rooms) of peace, joy,
and rest when you remain securely in Father God's presence. He will carry you if you allow him to do so. He will embrace you if you let him into the
deeper parts of your heart. He will
stand up for you if you let him. He
will chase away the bull (bullies) if you let him.
people have had negative experiences with their earthly father growing up.
Their image of "father" is perhaps tainted or even difficult to think
about. If this is you, let me encourage
you that even the most well-intentioned earthly father makes mistakes and
cannot live a perfect model of father.
My wife and I raised four children, and although I was committed to the
process of becoming the best father I could be, I realize my fathering had many
weaknesses. Even for those of you who
have had a "good" father (whatever that means), you must be careful
not to compare Father God's love too closely with an earthly father's love or
lack of love. There is a place in every
human being's heart that only Father God can satisfy. No human father, mother,
spouse, friend or companion can match the love of Father God. It is also true that no human mistreatment,
betrayal, or even abuse can keep you from receiving the love of Father God.
Jesus is your Savior. Father is your
Do you
desire to experience the love of God in a deeper way? I pray right now he takes you the next step to that place of
knowing deeper love. The creative nature of God never stops making things
better. These places are not just for your
enjoyment. They are for God's entire
creation. He not only wants to comfort
you, but He wants to empower you to comfort others. He not only wants to love on you, but wants to empower you to
love on others. Love considers the best interests of others. Let's keep the love ball rolling. Receive his love and give it away.
Note: The book Escaping the Pain of Offense:
Empowered to Forgive from the Heart discusses themes of dealing with
disappointments, offense and finding freedom in forgiveness. This book is designed to help people (especially
in the Christian faith) to discover and
dislodge things in life that lead to defeat. Don't miss out on your chance to
use this book as a helpful tool in discovering Refuge in Christ. It can be
purchased by clicking here: http://bluerockbnb.com/healing/book_main.htm . If
you get anywhere near Pennsylvania for vacation or on business, be sure to look
us up for lodging at
by Ed Hersh, Blue Rock BnB Healing Ministry